Counterpoint of Tolerance 1

Tuesday 15 July 2008

The beginning

I have been extraordinarily lucky in winning a place on a wonderful project organised by the Transatlantic Arts Consortium and Idyllwild Arts.

It's basically a classical/world music version of 'Feed the World' called 'A Counterpoint of Tolerance'.

I, and 9 others from all across the world have been gathered together by the TAC by entering an international composition competition, and being selected, to write a collaborative piece over the next year, starting on the 20th July 2008.

We'll all be travelling to California for the 20th July to meet each other and get writing and jamming together for two weeks.

We'll then be coming back to our 'native countries' to continue writing the piece over the internet together in a brilliant worldwide network of musicians which will be created by our meeting.

The aim is a) to see whether we can do it, b) to see what we can create and c) to explore what happens when you draw on a global music 'bank' as it were, the human psyche in the era of globalisation and effectively create harmony between people from a plethora of different musical heritage and cultural background.

...All pretty amazing really!

I'm going to be blogging on this as part of my Masters degree project.

I'm currently studying down at University College Falmouth for an MA in Broadcast Journalism.

I also hope to get my 15 minute radio documentary (split up into 3 lots of 5 minute mini-documentaries) commissioned - by who I don't know just yet - but one step at a time I feel!

I would be very grateful for anybody to get involved or comment on this story as it is a fantastic project and I want to know your thoughts - so let me know!

There will be pictures, a journal/diary, music and probably madness - and I'll keep you posted on it all.

So...drop me a note (harhar!) there's plenty more to come...

'til then...the clock is ticking for take-off!


Unknown said...

Hey Natalie, this is Michael - one of the other nine. Just saying hi. Look forward to meeting you. See ya Sunday!

amyclairejennings said...

Hey ya wee Nat! I hope you make the most of all that spanking-new free software they're shovelling onto you and get some great pics up onto this blog! Best of luck for all of the creativity - there's a pint-sized Shostakovich in there somewhere, i'm sure of it. Take care... Amy J xx

Taster Sessions

Fancy listening to some of what we've been doing?
Well, click on the bits you want to listen to below!

Live Guitar Session 1

Live Guitar Session 2

Live Guitar Session 3

Live Group Session 1

Live Group Session 2

Live Group Session 3

11 Person Laptop Band

**DISCLAIMER - these podcasts use an external hosting website. Please note that any content viewed on this website apart from the 'World Piece' specific audio is not linked with this blog and does not represent the views or opinions of myself or this blog. I am not able to control what content, aside from the 'World Piece' specific audio, goes out on this website and I apologise if some content may offend.**

Some of the more 'unusual' instruments

Some of the CPoT team brought some rather interesting and unusual instruments with them to America...

...all of which will be included in AH!

So, please do click on the images below to have a listen!!



Coco Banjo

Frame Drum


Mongolian Throat Singing



Counterpoint of Tolerance 2